

Monday 30 September 2013

Rich to Poor & Poor To Rich | A real story

A Real Story - What is Success in Real?

"This guy made over $12 million dollars online... He thought he was better than you & me. He was arrogant, obnoxious, and it went to his head. Then he lost it all, when karma came around and kicked his A$$.
But now he's back, he's humble, and he has made 7 figures AGAIN from scratch - this time the RIGHT way.
And now he's sharing all of his secrets as his way of "making things right".

Here's EXACTLY how he did it... (I dare you to watch his short video and not get chills down your spine.)

Do you just want a new hobby?

What do you think Financial Freedom is worth??

$40,000 and 4 years of hard work?
(Average cost of a 4 year degree)
How is that degree working out for you?

Is it $5000
 and 30 hrs a week?   

Or $1000 and 20 hrs a week?

I was working 90hrs a week deployed in Afghanistan
when I found Bring the Fresh.
I had NO web-building skills, NO affiliate marketing experience,
and Didn’t even know how to spell SEO.
Do you have $7 and a few hours a week to dedicate?
If so, you’re are in luck!!Bring the Fresh is offering you a full access trial >>> Click Here

What We Recommend For Added Income

wb-picWe receive numerous emails every day from folks who are in need of financial assistance. Many are in dire situations, and we couldn’t sympathize more.
Many of the emails we receive are from folks asking what Warren Buffett does to help people. That is a great question.

Mr. Buffett is known as one of the most active philanthropists in the history of the world. In 2006, he made the largest ever charitable donation by an individual – $37 Billion Dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which supports initiatives in education, world health and population, and community giving in the Pacific Northwest.

Recently, Forbes recognized Warren with a lifetime achievement award in philanthropy. His personal goal is to give away his entire fortune, “Until his wealth is but a rich memory”.
We recognize that Mr. Buffett cannot help everyone in need. Given that, we would like to offer some recommendations for people looking for assistance.

One of the major search terms that brings the most visitors to our website is “get rich“.
Clearly many people are looking for an added income stream.
Yet with so many scams running rampant online, it can be difficult to determine who to trust. With that said, approximately a year ago, we announced the implementation of a review process, where we would put some of the more popular “make money online” websites through a rigorous test. Upon a thorough one year vetting period, we have reviewed hundreds of programs.
We do not believe that it would be in the best interests of our readers to hear about all of the programs that came up short. Rather, we would like to focus on the few programs that passed our quality control exam.

Our Evaluations are Based on the Following Criteria:

- Cost of entry
- Quality of support
- Transparency (no hiding behind false names or private domain registrations)
- Number of verifiable success stories (this is difficult to determine, but those who are transparent have provided us with references, and others have forums where real users can post feedback)
- Longevity (number of years in service)
- Ease of use
- Recommended by Fortune 500 companies
- Reputation (on major review websites)
We are happy announce that we officially have our first approved program!

What We Recommend

The company that has passed our testing process is “Bring the Fresh” ( We have worked directly with the owner of the company, Mr. Kelly Felix, and done our due diligence.
Bring the Fresh offers an opportunity for people of all ages and locations to create additional income streams, with the ultimate goal of making them passive. They accomplish this through very thorough training via online videos. One of the highlights is the opportunity to watch live case studies in real time, showing various methods for earning money online through search engine optimization & affiliate marketing.

noskillsMeaning, you can watch as Mr. Felix builds a basic website and gets it earning money in front of you. He does this by providing visitors with solid information, and ultimately recommending a product or tool that can help them. At that point you would earn a commission for any sales your refer to the recommended company.

For example, perhaps you are interested in helping people by providing them with your favorite smoothie recipes. Bring the Fresh would teach you how to build a simple website (no experience necessary), with information about your smoothie recipes. After doing so, you could simply recommend your favorite juicing machine, with a link to If anyone goes through that link and purchases the juicer, you would earn a commission on that sale.

Another example would be the selling of “information products”. In this scenario, you could have a simple website explaining the benefits of a digital product, such as a paid video series that teaches people to play piano better. Perhaps the price is $50 for access to the training videos, and the product owner will pay you a 75% commission, which is a typical payout on digital products. Given that scenario, you would earn approximately $37.50 for referring a paid customer.

Additional Findings

During our review, we were pleased to find that Bring the Fresh has also been recommended by a highly respected Fortune 500 company, Ogilvy & Mather.
Given such a lengthy review process, and the number of verifiable success stories, we feel comfortable giving “Bring the Fresh” our first and only Seal of Approval.

So Without wasting a single Minute watch this awesome 

Income Proof >>>> Watch Video

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